Mustapha Kebbeh serves as chief security officer at UKG, where his primary charge is to build and maintain the trust of all UKG customers. In his role, Mustapha is responsible for the continuous enhancement of business resilience, cyber security, product security, risk management, and IT enterprise architecture and he leads an extensive team tasked with safeguarding a vast array of data and technologies. Mustapha is passionate about security and selecting technology that drives revenue and business growth, while being mindful of system protection. Highly regarded in the cyber security industry, Mustapha has worked for multinational organisations — including Brinks, CompuCom, and IBM — to fortify corporate security through innovative technologies and trainings. He is driven to identify and nurture the right talent, help to develop security-minded personnel, and create a culture where security is everybody’s responsibility.
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Mustapha Kebbeh
Chief Security Officer